Partnership Agreement Must Always Be in Writing

When it comes to business partnerships, it`s crucial to establish clear expectations from the start. One way to do this is by drafting a partnership agreement that outlines each party`s responsibilities, rights, and obligations.

While verbal agreements may seem easier or more convenient, having a written partnership agreement can provide legal protection in case of disputes or misunderstandings. Here are some reasons why a partnership agreement must always be in writing.

Clarity and Structure

A written partnership agreement provides a clear structure that avoids ambiguity, misunderstandings, or communication breakdowns. This agreement can include details such as the partners` roles and responsibilities, the decision-making process, how profits and losses will be distributed, and what happens if the partnership dissolves.

Legal Protection

A written partnership agreement can protect both parties legally and financially. For example, if one partner violates the agreement, the other party may have legal recourse to enforce it. Additionally, a written agreement can limit each partner`s liability and protect against claims or lawsuits from third parties.

Avoiding Disputes

Even the most amicable partnerships can experience conflict or disagreements. By having a written agreement, each partner can refer to the terms and resolve disputes based on the agreed-upon guidelines. This can prevent disagreements from escalating and potentially destroying the partnership.


A written partnership agreement can be customized to fit the needs of the specific partnership. It allows partners to discuss and agree on critical details and make adjustments as necessary. This flexibility can help the partnership adapt to changes and challenges.


Overall, a written partnership agreement is essential to establishing a strong and successful partnership. It provides clarity, legal protection, and structure to ensure that both parties are aligned on expectations and responsibilities. Whether you`re entering into a new partnership or revisiting an existing one, drafting a written partnership agreement is always a good idea.

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