註冊/報考Pearson VUE參加考試時應注意事項

一、 考生於收到「應考憑證」後請儘快排定考試日程,以免時間逼近時考場已額滿。(建議提早於2 個月前就排定考場)
二、 考場安排:考生在以電話或網路預約考試之前,請務必先電洽Pearson VUE 服務中心(0800-666-022 專線),並向客服人員提供應考憑證號碼、中英文姓名等個人資料,即可取得網路預約考試之帳號(Username)及密碼(Password)。

考生於取得帳號和密碼後,可直接請Pearson VUE 客服人員,於電話線上進行預約作業,請事先規劃數個”可出席應試”之備選日程,以防預約額滿時,能立即另擇其它考試日程。
(二) 以網路預約考場者:
請連上Pearson VUE 網站www.pearsonvue.com/iia,點選該網頁右手邊之“Schedule a Test”,再輸入username 和password 即可開始進行預約作業。
(註:操作說明,請參考第3~9 頁。考生目前之英文地址均預設為IIA-Taiwan。)
三、 釋疑專線:
(一)考生於安排考試日程、考場及選擇中文或英文版試題時若有任何問題,均可以電話0800-666-022 向Pearson VUE 服務中心洽詢。(請勿直接親赴考場詢問)
(二)洽詢專線開放時間為星期一至星期五,上午9:00 至下午18:00。
四、 考生於Pearson VUE 網站安排考試相關事宜時,請特別留意,您可選擇以中文版(Chinese-unsimplified),或純英文版(English)之介面應試。選擇中文版之考生,
五、 可更改考試日程或考場:
考生於應考日之二個工作天以前(不含例假日),若擬變更考試日程或考場,只要仍屬可安排考試之有效期間內,將可獲准更改考試日程或地點,但不能變更考試科目。即考生若已登入Pearson VUE 網站排定考試日程,但日後臨時需要更改考試日程者,最晚可於原定考試日程之二個工作天以前,登入Pearson VUE 網站更改考試日程。例如:原排訂於6 月5 日(星期四)考試,若臨時有事,則最遲必須於6 月2 日(含星期一)以前更改考試日程,否則將必須以原訂日程應考,不得要求變更日程。若因而未參加考試,考試費不退還。
六、 同一科目,不及格之考生須間隔超過90 天才能再重考:
應考憑證,向Pearson VUE 安排考場時,只能選擇90 天後之考試日程。
七、 不可取消考試:
考生通過報名審核後有180 天之有效期間,可自由選擇方便之日程應試;中途若取消考
八、 若遇天災等不可抗力之因素:考試當天,如果遇到颱風或緊急重大災害,產生不可抗力之因素,將統一以考場當地之政府宣布當日公教機關是否停止上班,作為是否舉行考試之依據。考生亦可直接電洽Pearson VUE 服務中心0800-666-022,詢問考試是否改期,若當天考場關閉,考生可另外擇期再試。
九、 考場注意事項:
(一) 台灣考場之開放時間為:星期一至星期五,上午:9:00 開始。
1.北區考場地址:110 台北市基隆路一段163 號12 樓之3。
802 高雄市苓雅區中山二路472 號10 樓之8。經天國際認證中心,
或800 高雄市中山一路242 號。巨匠電腦,連絡電話:07-237-1933
(二) 報到作業:
1. 考生至 Pearson VUE 考場應試時,請務必同時攜帶以下二種文件:
(1)內部稽核協會所寄發之列有考生中、英文姓名之「應考憑證」(Authorization to Test)。
2. 建議考生最好也攜帶 Pearson VUE 之預約確認函(Confirm Order),以便監考人員從事考生之識別管理,並請務必提早30 分鐘報到,以免無法及時完成報到手續而被視為缺考。
(三) 正式考試前,考生有10 分鐘之個別指導(Tutorial)時間,可自行練習電腦操作,超過此時間,電腦將“自動進入”正式考試之試題畫面。考試過程中,在電腦畫面之右上角,有一提示器會持續顯示考生還剩有多少之可答題時間。
(四) 考生務必遵守Pearson VUE 之考場規則。考試當中禁止飲食及飲水,且除非獲得監考人員之同意,禁止隨意離座,若發現電腦有問題,請立即向監考人員反應。考完試離座時,請保持肅靜,並須向監考人員簽退。若不恪守考場規則,有違反IIA 之保密協議或干擾考生之行為,將立即終止該名考生之考試,將其驅離考場,並且要求負起法律之責。

3.網路預約電腦化考試\參加考試之操作說明(PDF電子檔下載):Pearson VUE

2.確認預約請按confirm order 鈕,
若欲取消則請按Cancel 鈕。
“Your order is finished.”
Pearson VUE 報名成功之確認信範本:
**Please do not reply to this email.**
If you need to contact Pearson, please visit our Web site at http://www.pearsonvue.com
Ho‐Ling Chi
5f., No.16
Sec. 5, Nanjing E. Rd.
Songshan District
Taipei City 105
Thank you for selecting Pearson. This email contains information on the exams you
booked, the testing location, and the testing rules.
Candidate: CHI, HO‐LING(英文姓名)
Test Series: IIA‐CIA‐Part*** (考試科目或學門,例如IIA-CFSA-Banking)
‐ Chinese Traditional (CHT)
註:若您選擇的是中文版應會出現Chinese Traditional
Date: Thursday, November 13, 2008(考試日期)
Time: 01:15 PM(考試時間)
Testing Centre Location(考試地點)
Pearson Professional Centers‐Taipei, Taiwan
No 163 Sec 1
12 F‐3, Keelung Road
Union Century Building
+886 2 2756 7808
Please ensure that the exam details listed above are correct. If any details of this
appointment are not correct, contact Pearson VUE immediately. For a complete list of phone
numbers and email addresses, refer to this site: http://www.pearsonvue.com/contact If you have
any questions concerning the content of this exam, the exam results, or the programme, please
contact the exam sponsor directly.
We ask that you arrive at the test center at least 30 minutes before your scheduled
appointment time. This should give you adequate time to complete the necessary sign‐in
procedures.To be admitted to the test, you must present the following:
1. A printed copy of your authorization letter from The IIA, and
2. One acceptable form of personal identification (ID). (This ID must contain your name exactly as
it appears above and your photograph. Acceptable forms of ID are listed on the IIA’s web site at
We also suggest that you bring a printed copy of this confirmation letter.
If you wish to reschedule your exam, you must contact Pearson VUE at least 48 hours prior to your
exam appointment. Requests to reschedule or cancel your examination made less than 48 hours
before your scheduled appointment will not be approved, and you will be expected to appear as
scheduled or you will forfeit your exam fee.
If for any reason you fail to appear for your scheduled exam, arrive more than 15 minutes after
your scheduled start time, or do not present an acceptable form of identification, you will be
refused admission to the exam and your exam fee will be forfeited.
*Pearson VUE will not be held responsible for expenses incurred beyond the cost of theexam,
including but not limited to travel expense and lost wages on the day of the exam.
Pearson VUE’s goal is to make your testing experience a pleasant one. We thank you for selecting
Pearson VUE as your testing service provider, and look forward to serving you again. Please feel
free to contact us with your comments or questions.
You will not be allowed to take any personal items with you into the testing room. This includes all
bags, books or other materials not authorized for this exam, notes, phones, pagers, watches and
To get to the test center by MRT please take the Pan‐Nan Blue Line (Blue) to the City Hall Station.
Take exit No.1 towards Chung Hsiao East Road heading west and turn right before the intersection
to Keelung Road. The center is located in the Union Century Building on the 12 floor, Room
3. Ample local City Buses which will take you to the United Daily News Bus Stop.
If you are testing in Australia, please note the following.
Our records indicate that you have voluntarily given personal information to Pearson so that we
can schedule your exam and forward the results to the testing sponsor for certification or licensure.
In order to protect that data and your privacy we have established and abide by data protection
measures that are compliant with the National Privacy Principles set out in the Privacy Act 1988
(Cth). To read the full text of our privacy statement, please visit our Web site www.pearsonvue.com
or contact the Pearson VUE call center in your area.
If you do not have an account and password for the Pearson Web site, this can be requested at
www.pearsonvue.com Once you set up your account, you will be able to review your exam
information, schedule, reschedule and cancel exams through this Web site.

各位考生請注意,Pearson VUE 在您正式進行考試之前,會提供給您10 分鐘的時間,來進行電腦化考試之操作練習。以下畫面則為有關電腦化考試之重要操作資訊,建議您可先行了解。畫面右上角會提醒考生還剩有多少的考試時間。當試題內容很長時,電腦系統設有一控制機制,考生須往下捲移,以確定有讀完該題之所有資訊,才會讓考生再進行下一題。


本協會另提供有詳細之「電腦化考試畫面操作」中英譯稿,請上協會網站最新消息之考試消息區,點選more 即可查閱下載該檔案。考生於完成最後一題之試題後,將出現上述作答總結之畫面,以便可進行考試再檢查作業。

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