C9510-418 IBM Cloud: Management and Platform

IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment V9.0 Core Administration

C9510-418:IBM Cloud: Management and Platform
允許時間:90 分鐘
此中級認證面向執行安裝、配置和與確保 IBM WebSphere 平穩、可靠和高效運行相關的日常任務的系統管理員(系統集成商、基礎架構架構師、應用程序架構師和解決方案架構師)應用服務器網絡部署環境。



第 1 部分:安裝和更新環境


展示對 IBM Installation Manager 和 IBM Packaging Utility 及其在本地和遠程安裝、配置和維護 IBM WebSphere Application Server 和組件方面的作用的理解。

對 IBM WebSphere Application Server 和修訂包安裝執行靜默安裝。



第 2 部分:創建高可用性配置


管理 IBM WebSphere Application Server 拓撲中的節點。

配置和管理 HTTP 服務器和 Web 服務器插件以實現高可用性。

第 3 部分:配置安全性


為客戶端和服務器配置 SSL。




配置 Java Enterprise、Web 和 Web 服務安全性。
第 4 部分:監控和調整環境

使用性能工具來監視 IBM WebSphere Application Server 運行時。

調整影響 IBM WebSphere Application Server 性能的參數。

使用性能監控基礎設施 (PMI) 指標並輪詢 MBean 以獲取性能數據。

配置和監視 WebSphere Application Server 緩存機制。
第 5 部分:對安裝後問題進行故障排除

啟用高性能可擴展日誌記錄 (HPEL) 並查看 HPEL 數據。

啟用跨組件跟踪 (XCT) 並在 XCT 日誌查看器中查看跟踪數據。

使用工具來觸發和分析堆轉儲、javacore 轉儲、系統核心轉儲和詳細垃圾收集 (GC)。

使用“mustgather”文檔和/或 IBM Support Assistant 來收集和分析診斷數據或將數據提交給 IBM Support。

配置、查看和分析以下日誌文件:首次故障數據捕獲 (FFDC)、系統日誌、本機日誌和跟踪日誌。
第 6 部分:管理和配置環境




說明 Integrated Solutions Console 的用法。


使用屬性文件和/或受監視的目錄功能來配置或修改 IBM WebSphere Application Server 環境。

為環境配置外部 HTTP 服務器。

第 7 部分:配置智能管理功能


創建和配置按需路由器 (ODR) 和 ODR 插件以及相關的服務策略以啟用動態操作。


第 8 部分:展示對多層環境的理解

識別 IBM WebSphere Application Server 配置中的組件和服務,並描述它們之間的關聯或交互方式。

展示對請求如何遍歷各種 WebSphere Application Server ND 拓撲的理解。
第 9 部分:部署和管理應用程序

執行企業應用程序、Web 應用程序和業務級應用程序的部分更新。

將應用程序部署到 IBM WebSphere Application Server 環境。

IBM 認證系統管理員 – WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment V9.0

IBM Cloud:管理和平台
PartnerWorld 代碼:01007011
Sample Test for Test C9510-418
Sample Questions for C9510-418: IBM WebSphere Application Server v9.0 Network
Deployment Core Server Administration
1. Which of the following is true about rolling back fix pack levels of the product?
A. It is not possible to skip levels when applying maintenance.
B. Only certain fix pack levels are supported when rolling back maintenance.
C. Fix pack levels that are skipped cannot be the target of a rollback procedure.
D. All maintenance includes all fix pack levels so any fix pack level can be rolled back to at any

2. After executing the command: imcl listInstalledPackages, an administrator sees
the following result: com.ibm.websphere.ND.v90_9.0.0.20160203_0234.
What does this indicate to the administrator?
A. IBM Installation Manager was installed.
B. Installation Manager installed IBM WebSphere Application Server.
C. The Profile Management Tool installed WebSphere Application Server.
D. WebSphere Customization Toolbox installed WebSphere Application Server.

3. A configuration checkpoint could not be restored and could only be viewed.
What could be the reason?
A. File system permissions have prevented restoration.
B. The user ID being used was configured as an Operator.
C. The antivirus software on the system prevents restoration.
D. Configuration checkpoint has been corrupted on the file system.

4. If an administrator sets the regenerate time for high availability plug-in generation to 10,
what is the effect?
A. The plugin-cfg file is generated exactly every 10 minutes.
B. The plugin-cfg file is generated at most every 10 minutes.
C. The plugin-cfg file is generated 10 minutes after a rebuild request.
D. The plugin-cfg file is generated after doing a poll every 10 minutes.

5. Which attribute can be configured in a security domain?
A. Audit
B. User realm
C. Single sign-on
D. LTPA authentication mechanism

6. Which tool can be used to get dynamic cache size details and monitoring and tuning
A. Request metrics
B. Performance servlet
C. Performance and Diagnostic Advisor
D. IBM Tivoli Performance Viewer advisor

7. How would an administrator configure Cross Component Trace?
A. Through wsadmin script only
B. Through the Integrated Solutions Console only
C. Through the supplied Cross Component Trace enablement tool
D. Through either the Integrated Solutions Console or through wsadmin script

8. Which of the following could be diagnosed using one of the Diagnostic tools in the IBM
Support Assistant?
A. Port conflicts
B. Capacity problems
C. Network performance problems
D. Operating system prerequisites

9. Which task must be completed before using the Job Manager?
A. Create an administrative agent for all the nodes in the cell.
B. Ensure that the profiles in the environment all have security enabled
C. Federate any stand-alone nodes to the deployment manager in the cell.
D. Create a Job Manager profile and a profile for each target node that needs to be managed.

10. When configuring a dynamic cluster, which option can improve bottleneck conditions in
deployed applications by enabling the placement controller to start more than one instance of
the dynamic cluster on a node?
A. Automatic mode
B. Vertical stacking
C. Number of server instances
D. Custom dynamic server template

11. Which step must be completed when placing an application edition in validation mode?
A. Roll out the new edition.
B. Stop the currently active edition.
C. Create routing policies for the new edition.
D. Verify that three cluster members are used in the task.

12. Which components and services are available in a standalone environment?
A. JCA services, web services engine, and security
B. High availability, EJB container, and performance infrastructure
C. Caching proxy, administrative infrastructure, and extensions registry
D. Workload management, messaging engine, and web services engine
Answer Key
1. C
2. B
3. B
4. B
5. B
6. D
7. D
8. A
9. D
10. B
11. C
12. A

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